Monday 3 October 2022

Out of the mouths of babes

When I was in my early twenties, I went to dinner at some friend's house and we ate from a delightful assortment of mismatched blue and white china. I thought it was really cool and decided that 'one day' I'd have the same. Given that we'd just been gifted a matching service of fine china as a wedding present, needless to say, I never even started a collection. Nevertheless the dream persisted in the back of my mind. Fast forward nearly fifty years to when I retired... I was idly reviewing my 'life goals' (as you do!), and I was reminded that this dream still wasn't a reality, though in the scheme of things it seemed eminently achievable. So I went off to Boundary Mills, which has a wonderful department chock full of all makes of china. I bought myself a small selection of Spode 'Blue Italian' plates and mugs and some blue and white bowls and plates from other manufacturers. Since then, I've added a few more pieces, including a rather lovely Japanese bowl. So, at last, my little private dream has come true, at least when I'm dining alone. (There isn't enough to spread around several guests.) In some small way, it gives me a great deal of pleasure. 

Or at least, it did.... My granddaughters came to visit and, now they are fairly well grown, they have graduated from the IKEA plastic dishes and plates that they used to use. So they were given food on a couple of my Spode plates. Having polished off her meal, my eldest grandgirl was studying the picture on the plate. Suddenly, she exclaimed, with horror in her voice: 'There is a picture of a man beating a woman!' Could this be true? How had I not seen this? On close inspection of the pattern, I can see exactly what she means. I had, I suppose, assumed (inasmuch as I'd ever really thought about it) that the couple were chasing the cattle or whatever the animals are that appear to have strayed into the water. Now she has put the domestic abuse scenario into my head, I can't really shake the notion off. It would be a lie to say this has completely spoiled my little, personal, long-held dream but it certainly gave it a knock!