Tuesday 4 October 2022


My Facebook feed throws up all sorts of enticing things (as well as stuff that I would never be interested in - and some things where I can't even begin to imagine what they are!) Today it excelled, with a whole piece about a company closing down and getting rid of its stock of Waldorf dolls. Now, I'm sad that so many small businesses seem to be closing (and don't get me going on a political rant!) But all these dolls needing homes.... 😢 Aww. I almost ordered up the whole lot! 

I have to confess I'm a sucker for dolls and always have been. I still have two or three, that belonged either to me or to my daughter. I have of course, as an involved gran, supplied a number of dolls to both my granddaughters at various times, one of which happened to be a Waldorf doll. (They have minimal features and natural materials and are supposed to be designed so that a child can project their imagination onto them.)  Perhaps strangely, the girls never really seemed to 'take' to dolls for very long. The cuddly toys that have had lasting impact for them have always been of an animal kind - dogs, cats, even monkeys and sloths have been carted around until their fabric has worn thin. Even my daughter favoured a large stuffed Eeyore character that one of my friends made for her when she was born. I think it is still just about 'alive and kicking' in their house somewhere. 

So, no more dolls, though I was truly tempted by these adorable munchkins. (That little moppet in the blue hat, with the rabbit... 😍😍😍)