Monday 12 September 2022

Cloud Inversion

I'm thrilled to have this hanging on the wall in my kitchen-diner. It's a hand-finished, limited edition print: 'Cloud Inversion', by the Hebden Bridge-based artist, Kate Lycett. I've admired her work for a long time, and have enjoyed seeing her finding her style over the years and creating work with an increasingly sure touch. She originally trained as a textile designer and you can still see that influence in her work, with soft inks and gouache overlaid by characteristic embellishments and the use of gold thread and gold leaf. You can just about see from my photo how the patches of gold leaf catch the light so that the print shimmers and changes as you move around it. I absolutely love it! I never thought I'd be lucky enough to own one of her larger prints, though I have cards and a beautiful book already. This was a gift for my 70th birthday - print edition 70/150. I am delighted with it.  

On the back it has this note from the artist:

That makes the scene even more special as this place is just across the valley from where my daughter lives.